From Chapter Eighteen: Calamity

Still Pregonaut was first before me, sword poised to thrust into my heart the moment I had to fend against the Levinhudnians again.

Suddenly, like a lioness, Gughtrip leaped over me, making the Levinhudnians part and making even Pregonaut step back.

“Traitor!” she howled, “I thirst for your blood!”

A small wave of our people surged forward and I was suddenly left alone to recover.  Grunting at the deep wound in my gut, I forced myself to stand and lend the killing power of Grimace to the battle. I threw myself behind the closest of my allies and thrust my left sword into the Levinhudnians.  In this wise, did I slay perhaps two more before I heard the wicked laughter of Pregonaut.

I spun around.  His shield was gone.  His sword dripped blood.  So did Gughtrip’s head, which he held high in victory.

“Gughtrip!” I cried, in horror.


“Next is you, Zombiac!” he cackled, stooping to retrieve his shield.  He was thick in the midst of Levinhudnians and could afford to knot the broken shield straps into his fingers to use as a punch shield.


Then a fireball thudded behind him and bodies flew.  A great piece of mail, ripped off its wearer by the blast, fell on Pregonaut’s head and he went down, regrettably not in flames.

Before I could resume my tactic with Grimace, an arrow struck my thigh and lodged deep in bone.  I was no longer in any shape to fight, and the Advance of Levinhudnians would soon leave me helpless.

Suddenly I heard Singfellow, grief choking his voice, call out “We Surrender!”

“The white flag,” muttered those around me, bitterly.  A hush began to come over the battlefield, but suddenly a fireball soared into the fray and it was on again.

“Never surrender!  Never!” cried the madman from the watchtower, his face blazing in the light of his fire magic.

“Fool!” screamed Singfellow, “you bring needless death!" Fighters died all around us.  We had let down our guard when we had surrendered.

“Stop, Rainsword!” I cried, “the time has come to give up!  You will cause a massacre!”

“Never surrender!” babbled the mad wizard.